Sunday, March 2, 2008

VO2 Max

This video was taken 20 min into the program. Comments welcome!


Jordan Vezina said...

Thanks for posting this Tom. Some of these things may be attributed to fatigue 20 minutes in, but particularly the punch at the top should be refined a bit. Bearing in mind that all in all the form looks pretty good, these are mostly just details that need to be tuned up a bit.
1. Loosen the grip a bit, particularly as you pass the chest. This will allow the handle to rotate more freely through your hand, keeping you from getting thumped and setting you up to...
2. Punch through more at the top. You can see where it kind of slow down and flops over at the top. At the moment the bell becomes weightless right about head level is when you make sure the grip is loose and punch through.
3. On the way down your casting out, meaning it is swinging wide way from you as opposed to a controlled drop down closer to your body. In the descent your shoulder should be firmly plugged in and you should see no effect of you effectively being pulled out by the bell as it drop.
4. More hip snap. You have good hip projection, but it is lacking that SNAP! The snap is the primary mover responsible for the bell driving up in the snatch.
5. On your last rep attempt to keep everything tight until the bell is parked. Very often I see people effectively 'dropping' the bell on the last rep. I want to stay in the game until it's over.
6. While Max VO2 is not as much of a lockout situation as a slower snatch protocol, you want to get as close to being locked out each time as you can.
7. You might also try using chalk unless you're having no hand problems.

Christie E. Little said...
